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Emergency Personnel

Emergency Personnel Responsibilities

  1. Fire Safety Director (Property Manager)
    The Fire Safety Director’s primary responsibility is to coordinate and implement an effective evacuation of the Building's tenants in case of a fire, bomb threat, or other serious situation that requires evacuation. Further responsibility includes the preparation, monitoring, and implementation (with the approval and assistance of the Fire Department) of a training program for all members of the fire emergency team (including Floor Wardens), fire plan(s) of action, and records associated with emergencies.
  2. Assistant Fire Safety Director (Engineering Manager)
    The Assistant Fire Safety Director is responsible for the effective implementation of the Evacuation Procedure and for the actions taken by the Building's Fire Brigade prior to the arrival of the Fire Department. The Assistant Fire Safety Director should assist the responsible Fire Department Supervisor in briefing, as to seriousness, location, and type of fire while explaining actions taken prior to the arrival of the Fire Department.
  3. Fire Wardens (Assigned by Tenant)
    The Fire Wardens are responsible for implementing, in an orderly manner, an approved evacuation of their floor upon notification from the Building Fire Alarm System.
  4. Deputy Fire Wardens
    The Deputy Fire Warden shall perform in the absence of the Fire Warden or assist the Fire Warden in the event that both are present.
  5. Fire Brigade
    The Fire Brigade is comprised of all Building engineering personnel. Their responsibilities are preliminary fire-fighting procedures and implementing emergency plans as directed by the Fire Safety Director or Assistant Fire Safety Director.
Life Safety Director Property Manager
Assistant Life Safety Director Assistant Property Manager
Safety Brigade Engineering Staff
LEED Energy Star